Hartbeat Ensemble and the Carriage House Theater is located at 360 Farmington Avenue in the heart of Hartford’s historic Asylum Hill neighborhood and directly across the street from the Mark Twain House and Museum.
Free and safe parking available at the following locations:
Very limited parking is permitted in the front section of the HartBeat driveway. First-come, first-served
Mark Twain House Visitor Parking Lot, 351 Farmington Avenue
On-Street parking is available Woodland and Gillett Streets and Farmington Avenue
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. For information on handicapped parking, please call our offices.
Our administrative offices are housed in a historic 1899 home, visible from the street. Please use the entrance in the back of the building; we are located on the 3rd floor. The Carriage House Theater is located directly behind our administrative offices.
Driving Directions
From 1-91 North or South:
1. Take Exit 32A to get on I-84 West
2. Follow Directions Below
From Route 2 West:
1. Follow Rte 2 West to I-84 West
2. Follow Directions below
From I-84 West and I-84 East:
1. Take Exit 46 “Sisson Avenue” exit
2. At the end of the ramp (at light) turn RIGHT onto Sisson Ave.
3. At the end or Sisson Avenue, turn RIGHT onto Farmington Ave.
4. After approximately ¼ mile, on the RIGHT, will be the entrance to Mark Twain House parking
5. Park in OVAL LOT near Mark Twain Visitor Center
6. Follow Sidewalk to Farmington Avenue
7. Cross Farmington to get to HartBeat Ensemble's Main offices and Carriage House Theatre​